A Note from the Author
Life in this world is not about acquiring things or experiencing adventures. The ultimate journey during our years on this planet is about moving toward others and learning how to love God as well as our fellow beings who have skin on. The reward of moving toward those around us is intimacy, “withness”, Presence--or as 2 Corinthians puts it, “the knowledge of God.”
Yes, what our hearts yearn for most is not something but someone. Since we are eternal beings, we desire the One Thing in this universe that will last forever—relationships. We long for that which will last and so we hate the interruption of divorce, loss, and death.
Of course, this fallen world is filled with counterfeits, false things that masquerade as true things, promising to fill our emptiness. Although they bring fleeting pleasure, this pleasure is short-lived because only the One Thing can truly satisfy our hunger.
As you read the books by David G Kirby, you will detect an eternal theme that runs through all of them, namely, the war between joyful Presence authored by Immanuel and isolating separation driven by the thief who came to steal, kill, and destroy. In the end, all who seek God’s face will experience the Presence of the universe and the joy that accompanies the purpose for which we exist--true intimacy. In the meantime, the battle wages daily, so be aware of settling for temporary somethings when you are created for the forever someones.